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Namespaces are hierarchical representation of entry types. For example, articles.books means books entry type is child of articles entry types.
getByLimit and getByLimit Support
getByLimit support means you can add /first_X, /last_X or /random_X to end of the url to get first, last or random X results. getByIndex support means you can add /X to end of the url to get Xth result. X is Integer.
Property keys and their values
Property keys are changes depending on entry types and their fields that you added. Each field name is property key and its value is property value.


RouteDescriptiongetByLimit SupportgetByIndex SupportExample
/api/v1/entriesreturns all entries
/api/v1/entries/:namespacereturns entries by namespace/api/v1/entries/articles.books.history


RouteDescriptiongetByLimit SupportgetByIndex SupportExample
/api/v1/entry/:slugreturns an entry by slug/api/v1/entry/why-should-you-read-books
/api/v1/entry/:property-key/:property-valuereturns entries depending on a property key and value/api/v1/entry/published/true