simpl:api Doc
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First Run

Before using simpl:api, there are a few steps to follow to make everything ready.

  1. clone the repo (git clone and run npm install
  2. In .env file (change name of .env-example to .env), set BASE_URL, MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING and DB_NAME
  3. In .env file, set a UID to SECRET_KEYand NEXTAUTH_SECRET
  4. In next.config.js file (change name of next-example.config.js to next.config.js), set baseUrl and secretKey according to .env file.
  5. Start simpl:api with npm run dev command.
  6. In your browser, enter /api/v1/install/first-run?secretkey=YOURSECRETKEY. This will create required db collections and admin account and will return credentials to your browser as response. Delete this folder after all steps are done.
  7. In your browser, enter api/v1/key/generate?secretkey=YOURSECRETKEY. This page is protected with authentication, so you have to use your admin credentials which were created previous step.
  8. Copy generated API key from your browser and paste it to api key variable in both .env and next.config.js file
  9. Restart the server (Ctrl+C then run the command from step 5)
  10. Congratulations ! simpl:api is ready to use! (run npm run build and then npm run start ) 😀
Change Admin credentials
After completing all steps, please change admin credentials through the dashboard.
Delete Installation Folder
After completing all steps, please delete installation folder from /pages/api/v1/install.
Don't share secret key
Secret key protects some senstive api routes (such as creating, editing, deleting routes), don’t share secret key that doesn’t have admin rights.